Probationer – A tool to monitor your kids’ console usage and remind them to take a break.

I see a lot of kids playing games non stop. Studies have shown that games make you smarter, but too much games can have serious consequences on your heath and the well being of your mind. I decided to build this tiny tool to  help parents to warn their kids from spending too much time on their console games.

Tl;Dr: An application that will disconnect a device from the internet for a period of time every x mints.

airmon-ng, aireplay-ng, and vlc (optional)
apt-get install airmon-ng aireplay-ng vlc -y


Usage Guide
There are two main modes:

  • Just Warnings
  • This mode is flagged with -jw/–just_warning and it wont do anything except playing the file ‘warning.mp3’ for a 5 mints each you choose with argument -int/–interval

  •  Warning with actual disconnecting

The application is written in Python. You can download it or help me develop more features on

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