kali tagged posts

Dual boot *Encrypted* Kali 2019 with Windows 10 in peace.

If you work in security and don’t encrypt your drives, maybe you should consider something else 😉

I recently was trying to make peace with Windows 10 co-living with Kali 2019 and it was really painful process. Each time I got one side working the other side was complaining.

Eventually it boils down to this:

1- Install Windows 10 fully (including setting up a user, and password, etc.) Failign to do so will corupt the encrypted partition of kali

2- Install Kali until you reach the step to partition the disk. Choose “Manual”

3- now create 3 partitions:
– one is for /boot (~256mb)
– one for swap area (8-10gb)
– the rest is for the root mount /

4- now go to “Encrypt partition” and click “Yes” for writing the current partitions

5- now choose wherever you have swap and root...

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