Category DYI

automate a safe wordpress update through a cron job

I’m a great believer in automation; as one of my interviewers said to me once: If we do it twice; we automate it.
I adopted this style throughout my work; hence I wanted to show how would I upgrade/update the WordPress core and plugins using cron to keep all my blogs and sites secure and up to date with security patches.

1- get & install wp-cli (how/where)
2- write a script to use wp-cli to update WordPress [see attached code]

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Fixing faulty temperature sensor in the MacBook (aka Ts0P)

back in the summer of 2016 I was eating an orange while working just to end up with a drop of orange liquid inside the keyboard of my beloved macbook.

I am very attached to this macbook since years, and this juice decided to ruin the worst possible key [SHIFT] in the mac, hence all I was able to write is capital letters, the booting won’t work because it MAC OS boots to safe-mode by default if the shift key is pressed on booting time. Even worse than this all was not able to login into my environments because the all my passwords were capitalized.

Back then I decided to override the [SHIFT] key using a software interupt, which worked greatly until I decided to replace the whole macbook keyboard. The process of replacing the keyboard wasn’t that complicated, what came next was 🙂

Upon bo...

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